I welcome commissions for essays, book reviews, discussion guides, and interviews.
I am also available for invited talks as well as hosting, chairing, and participating in events and panels.
'Three Weddings and a Marriage Equality Movement', Queer Life, Queer Love, Muswell Press
'Let's Make a Baby (With Science)', So Hormonal: Essays About Our Hormones, Monstrous Regiment Publishing
Book Reviews & Discussion Guides
Discussion Guide for A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo, Dutton Books, US, 2023
Book reviews for DIVA Magazine, June 2019 - June 2023
Discussion Guide for I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston, Macmillan Children's Books, UK, 2022
Discussion Guide for Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo, Dutton Books, US, 2021
- Published in the New York Times Bestselling paperback edition of Last Night at the Telegraph Club
Monthly recommendations for the KENRIC newsletter, December 2019 - February 2020
Reviews for The Lesbrary here and here, 2012-2013
emily m. danforth, 'Welcome to the Plain Bad Heroine Society', DIVA Magazine, March 2021
Sara Impey, 'Sara Impey, Quilt Artist', The Signal House Edition, Issue 7, December 2020
Lilja Sigurdardottir, 'Q&A with Lilja Sigurdardottir', DIVA Magazine, January 2020
Nicole Dennis-Benn, 'Here Comes Nicole Dennis-Benn', DIVA Magazine, October 2019
Invited Talks
'Cinderella and The Huntress: A Lesbian Retelling of Cinderella in Malinda Lo's Ash', British Library Study Day: Fairy Tales, 19 February 2020
‘My Girlfriend is an Alien: Constructing Bisexuality in Science Fiction for Young Adults’, LGBT History Month Keynote, Royal Holloway University London, 2019
Academic Queer Review Panel, Queer Literature Festival, LGBT History Month, University of East Anglia, 2019
‘LGBTQ Representation in Children’s Literature’, A Place at the Table, Inclusive Minds, London, 2018
‘Queer Curiosities and Changing Landscapes: How Identity, Politics, & Publishing Markets Can Impact the Research Journey’, MA/PD Children’s Literature Induction Keynote, NCRCL, University of Roehampton, 2018
‘Kissing as a Sign of Progress: Narrative Constructions of Same-Sex Relationships in YA Literature’, Reading YA Symposium, University of Birmingham, 2018
‘Cinderella and The Huntress: A Lesbian Retelling of Cinderella in Malinda Lo’s Ash’, Damsels in Redress Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2017
‘Love Stories for Queers’, Queer Children’s and Young Adult Literature module with Dr B.J. Epstein, University of East Anglia, 2014
Equal Measures Panel with Verna Wilkins (Tamarind Books), Fen Coles (Letterbox Library), and Beth Cox and Alexandra Strick (Inclusive Minds), London Book Fair, 2013
Academic Publications
‘Representations of Same-Sex Relationships Between Female Characters in All Ages Comics: Princess Princess Ever After and Lumberjanes’, The Journal of Lesbian Studies: Special Issue on Lesbians and Comics, Ed. Michelle Ann Abate, et al., May 2018
Lesbian Love Stories in Young Adult Literature and Graphic Memoirs: Narrative Constructions of Same-Sex Relationships Between Female Characters Across Genre and Form, Erica Gillingham, PhD thesis, University of Roehampton, 2017
‘Are they or aren’t they? Critical interpretations of same-sex relationships in picturebooks’, Conflicts and Controversies: Challenging Children’s Literature, IBBY UK/NCRCL MA Conference Proceedings, 2011
‘For the Love of Queers: Picturebooks about, for, and by the LGBT Community’, Erica Gillingham, MA thesis, University of Roehampton, 2010
‘Copulating, Coming Out, and Comics: The High School Chronicles of Ariel Schrag’, Going Graphic: Comics and Graphic Novels for Young People, IBBY UK/NCRCL MA Conference Proceedings, 2010
Academic Experience
My academic background is in Children's and Young Adult Literature (University of Roehampton) as well as Feminist Studies & Literature - Creative Writing (Poetry) (UC Santa Cruz). My MA thesis in Children's Literature focused on picture books about, for, and by LGBTQ+ families (2010), and my PhD research examined the narrative structures of romantic stories about lesbian, bisexual, and queer female characters in YA novels (2017). My research interests include queer literature, graphic novels and comics, genre studies, print culture, and popular literature and culture.
As a visiting lecturer, I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Goldsmiths University, the University of East Anglia, and the University of Roehampton in children's literature, queer literature & theory, feminisms, visual texts, and London literature.
In regards to my title, I only use 'Dr' in academic settings -- and to make a point on Twitter. Thank you.